Kaden Behrens
Willem Potter
Caleb Moe
The Cedar Valley Jaycees accepts applications each spring for the Bob Molinaro Memorial Scholarship.
The Cedar Valley Jaycees offer a $1,000 scholarship to three graduating area seniors;
The scholarship selection committee focuses primarily on community service and extracurricular activities. While we require a 2.5 GPA, we do not focus on that for selection process, which makes this scholarship ideal for the students who are very active in their community and schools, but may not be at the top of their class. We offer this scholarship to promote voluntarism and community service in our younger generations, and to foster an attitude of service that will grow into adulthood.
Requires CV Jaycees Application, two letters of recommendation, school transcript, along with
Word OR Video essay that highlights information about one or all of the following topics:
cedarvalleyjaycees@gmail.com for more information
©2024 Cedar Valley Jaycees
Member of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Organization